Idk if these lit review-esque posts do the numbers, but they’re one of my favorite things you do, Noah.

The main reason I pay for this substack is that I have neither the time nor the familiarity with the policy research landscape (despite being a policy and law grad student!) to find all this stuff myself. And I find this form of presenting it much superior to, say, an economist article that quotes all of these authors but doesn’t actually link to their work; this is much more transparent.

And it’s incredibly useful resource for when I decide I want to cite something on the NEPA later on! I’ve gone back and pulled sources from your lit review on immigration and employment multiple times now.

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Completely agree - these distilled (and yet thoroughly sourced) aggregations are super useful to have around.

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Thanks, folks! Really appreciate it!

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You have got to give it to Noah: he certainly does his research and is able to distill vast material into the essentials.

Some good examples of unintended consequences of well-intentioned but broadly framed public actions.

The Manchin example in particular raises interesting and significant political tactical and strategic implications.

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Maybe the Manchin compromise we need is a bill where the time limit is 2 years for cleantech and 4 years for fossil fuels, something like that. Then Manchin can show a win to his coal constituents, but cleantech development gets a major relative advantage. (Seems to me *relative* advantage is actually what matters most, in terms of accelerating energy transition.)

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My comment was driven by the applicability of social democratic principle and methodology to key political issues and objectives: value-based pragmatism focused on ends and outcomes.

I am a UK resident and not conversant with the institutional operation and detail of the NEPA or the national and local political environments that mediate it.

Fellow US readers and yourself will have a clearer and more authoritative take on how to best operationalize the desired end outcome of accelerating the Green Transition through securing an overlapping political mandate through the type of strategic compromise suggested.

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The need for reform is obvious. At this point the only people arguing that NEPA "works," in any sense of the word, are those whose livelihoods and political strategies depend on it. The more important question is what kind of reform we should pursue.

Should we keep the same basic structure, but ensure it is faster and smoother? Or should we fundamentally rethink it from first principles?

I am in the latter camp. The most impactful thing we could do is transition away from a subjective, procedural regulatory scheme and replace it with an objective, output/performance based system. I recognize that to do it right, we also need to change other laws like the clean air act, clean water act, endangered species act, etc. But how much better would our built environment be if we landed on a clear standard that folks could know in advance was compliant, focused on the handful of things that are truly critical to protecting the environment? For example, a system that lets you build whatever you want so long as it meets objective, numeric standards for air and water emissions (with a more subjective, case-by-case option for those that fall just outside the limits). This would be far better than spending years doing studies of every conceivable possible impact in the hopes that you didn't miss something, in order to meet a nebulous and indefinable test like LEDPA.

Many sacred cows would get slaughtered as part of this reform. Many legacy environmental groups would hate it because it deprives them of a weapon they have learned to use successfully. All of that is worth it, because without this kind of reform it will be literally impossible to build for the future. We would lead the world in clean energy, transportation and advanced manufacturing if we did this.

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Many things I like. I have managed in DOT, EPA and FDA regulated businesses. I've also been a partner with the USFS on a couple projects. Including EA, EIS, CE and NEPA. Not an expert on NEPA.

My observations.

A. We terribly underfund the staffing of these

B. BLM and USFS need higher quality people. Pay them more.

C NEPA is the prestep before litigation. It is also collaborative thru the public scoping comments. This is important. Who wants the strip mine or deep mine or quarry or opened up a half mile or less from your house.

D. Litigation takes longer than most NEPA. Litigation is unstoppable. Between Oil, NRA, Sierra, Center for Bilological Diversity etc, lots of money.

More thoughts.

America sucks at Collaborative Problem solving.

We lack agreed on metrics and measures for many of these.

NEPA like anything can be improved by

Lessons learned

Best practices


The FERC transmission line approval has ideas to mine.

I see and I want a huge distinction between NEPA

A. Protection of land and water that are impossible to repair or replace are a must

B. Protection of the scenery, view, attractiveness, I have low support for when improved infrastructure, new energy (solar, hydro, wind).

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Doesn't NEPA itself involve a ton of litigation that wouldn't otherwise happen, since people challenge pieces of the Environmental Impact Statements and such?

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I'm a non attorney spokesman 🤔 Noah. I believe that without NEPA, there is an argument that more litigation and delay would occur. The laws being the various and overwhelming Bipartisan 1960s and 1970s Clean Air, Clean Water, TSCA (Toxic Substance Control Act), are still the basis I'm sure for litigation.

The benefits of NEPA are several as shown in this review of various successes in many different states:

A. The Agencies go out for public comment on the EIS, EA and Planned scoping.

B. These are announced on a schedule called SOPA, Statement of Planned Actions

C. Any organization and any single individual may respond in the legally announced public comment period. Participation!!!

D. Many many errors, mistakes, things overlooked are very often found.

E. Things like, Need, public benefit, technical aspects of assessment, analysis and more can be challenged.

F. The Agency is required to address and respond to each one. Generally an obvious irrelevant or irrational comment is not. But even lay citizens make great comments to be reviewed.

G. I believe, subject to correction, that a huge advantage of these Scoping, is to determine Standing for suing later.

H. You can litigate based on the specific comments made ..objections, concerns, laternin litigation.

I. So, I think, it bounds litigation here

J. This is a collaborative process, more transparent and open sourced than any really perhaps, for citizen involvement.

So, no NEPA, I can imagine more litigation unbounded. I may be incorrect, but this is my understanding.

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I worked for an EI company in CA very briefly and found a lot of the paperwork redundant or innocuous and the associate I was working for suspiciously pro-development (fortunately he was later fired).

Most of my career was as a landscape contractor in Orange County. Permits are never fun but what I noticed at the local city level since the housing boom started in 2000 was that as more tax money poured into the cities they hired more engineers to create more stringent requirements and more inspectors to enforce them to the he point of ridiculousness. For example I was pouring three concrete steps and they required inspection since they were attached to a remodel for which an "extensive" soils report had already been done. The inspector asked me where my soil report was for the three steps was. The homeowner was there and explained a report had already been done for the remodel. "That was for the remodel I need one for the new steps". The homeowner and I started at each in doomed silence. Fortunately a few minutes later the inspector relented after inspecting my formwork and reinforcing. "I guess it isn't going anywhere".

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I think the issue with regulations is a “death by a thousand cuts” problem. I’m not really a libertarian but I see their point. Too many parts of our economy are stifled by regulatory hurdles. A sensible solution would be for every regulation to have an expiration date, causing them to go through a renewal process every ten years or so.

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Wow, there’s lots to digest here. Love it.

In the UK there has been and continues to be a big debate around stripping back of regulations post brexit.

A bonfire of regulations was promised but hasn’t yet materialised.

Maybe it’s because when it comes to it one persons red tape is another persons employment rights.

These things are very difficult to do in practice when politics gets in the way.

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“Which regulations?” It turns out that “regulation”, as an aggregate phenomenon, is extremely hard to quantify.

Other candidates:

- Various FDA regulations around drug approval - "Eroom's Law" is certainly regulatory

- FAA regulations around airlines & flight safety (probably smaller, but still innovation inhibiting)

- NRC and nuclear power, this technology could have allowed a lot of energy-intensive innovation

- Finance and education are difficult to measure, but certainly there is a lot going on

- Copyright and patent law (very underestimated effect on innovation)

- The legal and court system as a whole

I guess you could dismiss many of these critiques as "compared to what?" and you'd be somewhat justified.

The problem is that we'll rarely if ever find out, because entrepreneurs are not allowed or it's extremely hard to even try and experiment with these alternatives.

Happy to have a longer debate on my podcast if you're interested: https://rss.com/podcasts/stranded-technologies-podcast/

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Also on Substack: "Congress must work with Sen. Manchin to pass permitting reform.

The democratically-controlled Congress has until year-end to rein in the unending delay tactics of opponents to wind, solar, and transmission project construction. Compromise is needed to get a bill." https://cleantechadoption.substack.com/p/congress-must-work-with-sen-manchin

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As a non American nepa does not interest me very much, but I still appreciate this post a lot, since it shows noah doing a proper amount of research on all the hot takes that he writes

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Thanks! I usually read quite a lot of stuff to generate my hot takes. Usually I just put this background reading in the hyperlinks in the text of the post. Only about 0.5% of people click on any given link! But still, the links are there! :-)

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The above article touches on NEPA but also adversarial American unions (overtime, anti automation), and the principle- agent problem of using outside consultants to supplement lack of agency’s expertise when picking projects

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Thanks for the shout-out Noah!

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Thanks for the article!!

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I spent 9 years on the planning commission of a 150K person city in CA. While we didn't deal with NEPA, the CA ENvironmental Quality Act (CEQA) is very similar. I can confirm everything written here.

When I read Environmental Impact Reports (our version of an EIS) for development projects, of the 150 pages, there might be 3-4 that actually mattered. Literally, the entire rest of the document was boilerplate, reused on every project or spliced in on projects that it was applicable to. Building on red-tail-hawk habitat? Here's 12 pages to cover that! Have a seasonal wetland? Here's 21 pages to cover that! (A "seasonal wetland" is a swamp to anyone except an EIR preparer.) The entire document was this way. All of this is ostensibly to provide policymakers (us on the Planning Commission) with the information to make an informed decision. But it doesn't do that, as anything actually significant gets swallowed by the surrounding noise of fake "unmitigable impacts" like "construction noise", "potential soil runoff", "tree removal", etc... If I could either spend 3 hours wading through an EIR or 3 hours walking the site, the latter would be far more useful.

This could be solved by raising the threshold of what qualifies as a "significant impact", but if you propose that people come down on you like a ton of bricks accusing you of wanting to poison the water table and clear cut pristine forests. Thus, CEQA (and NEPA on the federal level) is the tool of choice to kill projects. That might not be terrible if it actually did anything for the environment, but all it does is provide employment for a bunch of otherwise useless environmentalist majors and lawyers who kill thousands of trees spitting out reams of useless paper.

I would go further personally, abolish the EPA completely and make Congress pass laws to protect specific species and set habitat boundaries explicitly. Critical habitat rulings are effectively takings, and there is no field in which elected official involvement and accountability is more important than the taking of private property. Allowing civil service bureaucrats to effectively rule someone's property unusable is a reprehensible abrogation of elected responsibility.

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Experts who understand the constraints of renewables have long pointed out that, because they require so much space, people may not accept them at the level required to power an advanced economy. They were right. No-one wants these intrusive installations and the associated transmissions lines near where they live. Trying to change the laws so that people cannot block what is, in effect, industrialisation of their local environment is one solution. I doubt this will happen in any democratic society, especially the USA. If you want to reduce fossil fuels the more realistic option is nuclear power, which requires even less space than fossil fuels.

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This is among some of the best reasons for a nuclear backbone. Along with it are maintaining grid inertia via steam generators, and preservation of existing energy infrastructure design (Large centralized transmission lines that serve large areas vs. small decentralized power generation all over the place). There are a ton of costs associated with renewable energy that advocates don't consider or don't own when they show the costs of renewables.

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Yes. The costs of dealing with intermittency are high, which is why electricity price rises as the % of solar and wind increases. And this increases more rapidly as penetration increases. There is no solution to this problem available now so we rely entirely on fossil fuel backup. Despite this many countries continue to cut investment in fossil fuels and hold back on nuclear power. Nuts.

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It can be done in a democracy as long as a majority benefits.

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Thanks for this article. As I understand it getting significant energy from geothermal will require fracking, which I expect many will oppose, just as they oppose fracking for gas/oil. I believe the risks of fracking has been much exaggerated and it has turned out to be environmentally benign, at least apart from the greenhouse gas emissions. So I definitely think it is worth a go but worry about opposition.

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Exhaustive! NEPA and/or the underlying morass of rules certainly sounds like a big problem!

I'm surprised you've found that "which regulations?" is a successful rebuttal to people complaining about regulation. I wonder what sort of libertarians you've been talking to and where you find them, if they can't immediately rattle off examples. They can't be all that dedicated to their politics if not! I'm middle aged and have been in middling roles in a few different companies in the software business - i.e. pretty average - but I could name at least 4 or 5 examples of business-strangling regulations that I've directly encountered during my career.

Now admittedly there are caveats to this: the most troublesome regulations tend to come from Europe or China (in the case of China they are often more like impassible barriers than laws). My experience was that US law seems to be of higher quality on average. Despite all the bellyaching about Congress, from the perspective of a foreigner the partisan fighting seems to yield better outcomes than in the rest of the world, where politics is more homogenous. So it's possible that US libertarians find it harder to name specific examples because they've already done a good enough job of beating them back, so it's more of a general principle than a pressing immediate problem (though the crushing difficulty of building things suggests maybe not).

The Goldschlag & Tabarrok paper you cite presents its word counting approach as superior to just counting pages. My experience from compliance projects is that the cost of regulations won't be easily measured with either approach, but page count would still be better. Don't know anything about building codes but at least with the regs I'm familiar with (across a couple of different industries) the cost is driven primarily by vagueness and contradiction, not raw word count. A single ambiguous paragraph can easily cause whole businesses or products to be abandoned or yield billions in fines. The poster child for this problem is GDPR but the EU's new DSA is going to be the same or worse. The UK's stalled attempt to regulate "legal but harmful" content is another good example of this mentality in action. You aren't going to find many of their demand words in those rules but the cost of compliance in both up-front effort/legal fees and inevitable fines when courts or regulators disagree is nonetheless astronomical.

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The 80/20 rule suggests that 20% of regulations cause 80% of the harm. If that's true, what regulations would you place among the maximally-harmful 20%?

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I think Gordon nails it:

"Gordon notes that many other countries have NEPA-like laws but manage to build big environmental infrastructure projects efficiently and quickly nonetheless. He claims that understaffing of the civil service and lack of coordination between agencies is more to blame than the structure of NEPA itself."

Understaffing -- the result of relentless pressure, mostly from Republicans, to reduce or even eliminate entirely funding for Executive Branch agencies -- is a crippling problem in nearly every one on those agencies. And as the Republicans know only to0 well, the more an understaffed agency is unable to to function effectively, the easier it is to mobilize popular (idiot) sentiment against that agency, and thus to justify cutting its funding even more. I think many federal agencies are now locked in a death spiral that only strengthens the case for radically curtailing them, or eliminating them altogether. For the Republican Party, this death spiral is a feature, not a bug.

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This is the main issue in my experience. There is little coordination between agencies and all of them are understaffed. For instance, permit approval often requires interlocking approval from state, county and federal, sometimes city, agencies. Any of these agencies can hold you up. Usually, it’s a state or county regulator who has to process hundreds of applications with a team of one or two people that really causes issues (I have seen this).

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What if we had legislation enforcing a switch from "default deny" to "default approve" for cleantech projects?

Say if the project is cleantech, the agency is considered to have approved by default if they don't explicitly deny approval within some time window. No objections allowed past X date.

Then the limited staff can focus on skimming applications for egregious stuff that actually needs a denial, instead of examining everything in detail.

If local environmentalists don't like it, they can push local agencies to hire more staffers.

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Obvious potential failure mode there is environmentally disruptive projects providing deliberately bad information, knowing they'll be able to get away with it if they can stall long enough.

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Have a provision that permission can be revoked if they lied on their app

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Pretty sure there's already some clause like that. Thing is, for any such change, gotta consider how a reasonably competent bad actor might take advantage. If stalling for time becomes a potential win condition for the hypothetical Captain Planet villain... surely they could find lawyers who know something about relevant tactics.

What if they didn't technically say anything provably false? Aside from tricky stuff about fine print, omissions, and misleading implications, there's the possibility of simply filing a massively parallel flood of trivial-variant applications, then moving forward with whichever one the bureaucrats didn't reject soon enough - because there wasn't enough time to review them all. Or, in the case of mass-rejecting without a proper review of each, challenge that decision for failing the "rational basis" test.

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Maybe an application fee could discourage flooding.

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