Feb 10, 2021Liked by Noah Smith

Wonderful. Now all you need is to bring "James Medlock" and some Matts of twitter and you'll be THE neolib-socdem united front capable of taking on the Chapo guys.

And yes, I'm way too online. How did you know?

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Heh. We're outnumbered and outgunned but we'll try!

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Feb 10, 2021Liked by Noah Smith

The main reason I even clicked was that I recognised the name, instantly.

But if I start re-reading AFutD now, it will just make me more pessimistic about the present pandemic, and nostalgic for the days of Usenet.

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Too true...

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Wow, Stanford and Cal guys collaborating, is this allowed?

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Great conversation! Been hoping for a Noah Smith podcast for awhile. Hope you guys get it up on some of the main podcast streaming services soon.

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Damn this is so good. Have you thought about adding it to google podcasts? Could increase listenership quite a lot

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Y'all got a podcast URL? Will let readers port the feed to their preferred podcast app.

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Well, since that Brad DeLong / Arindrajit Dube podcast never materialized, I guess this will do ;). Kidding, this is a dream come true. Is it too much to ask that you publish on stitcher though? I'll beg if it helps.

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I'm going going to make a more general ask: An RSS feed so that I can subscribe in any podcatcher. Right now I've got this link added to my list of "random things to listen to", but I'd really like to get it queued up with my other podcasts!

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For anyone running across this comment in the future, there is an RSS feed now. Avenues that I either know work, or have been mentioned by Noah in subsequent emails: Apple Podcasts, Pocket Casts, and the feed accessible through Substack's "Listen in podcast app" link.

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Fucking bastards.

I can't not start listening to the podcast now... Not with this introduction.

Those are some of my favourite sci-fi books, or maybe even among all books I've read.

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Is listening to just Brad Delong's half of a conversation interesting? Episode two answers the question: it is! But the complete audio might be more interesting.

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